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Bitumen Emulsion
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Bitumen Emulsion?
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Bitumen Emulsion?
Bitumen emulsion is becoming popular in advanced countries due to its benefits, ease of use, and better environmental compatibility. There […]
• January 16, 2023

What Are the Differences Between Bitumen Emulsion and Cutback Bitumen?
What Are the Differences Between Bitumen Emulsion and Cutback Bitumen?
In bitumen emulsion, water and emulsifiers are used but, petroleum based solvents are used in cutback bitumen. Click to know 11 other differences.
• January 14, 2023

Bitumen Emulsion Production Process
Bitumen Emulsion Production Process
Bitumen emulsion is a liquid mixture that contains bitumen, water, emulsifier and some additives. Mixing them is done through a particular mill called a colloidal mill. Click to read the details.
• November 30, 2022

Bitumen Emulsion CSS-1h
Bitumen Emulsion CSS-1h
CSS-1h is a cationic slow setting bitumen emulsion. There is nearly 60% bitumen in CSS-1h with a high penetration value and the rest is water phase. Check out the latest price of CSS-1h and its properties.
• November 11, 2022

Storage and Handling of Bitumen Emulsion
Storage and Handling of Bitumen Emulsion
In this article, the best handling, storage, and sampling conditions for bitumen emulsion are discussed to maintain its stability and thus its properties.
• November 11, 2022

Bitumen Emulsion K1-60
Bitumen Emulsion K1-60
Bitumen Emulsion K1-60 is the Cationic Rapid Setting type bitumen emulsion. This type of liquid bitumen is harmless compared to […]
• October 30, 2022

Bitumen Emulsion CRS-1
Bitumen Emulsion CRS-1
CRS 1 or cationic rapid setting type of bitumen emulsion is a type of liquid bitumen that has a low viscosity. It contains about 40% aqueous solution and 60% bitumen. The ingredients of the aqueous solution include water, an emulsifier, and additives.
• October 30, 2022

Bitumen Emulsion K1-40
Bitumen Emulsion K1-40
Bitumen Emulsion K1-40 or Cationic Rapid Setting type bitumen emulsion is a type of non dangerous liquid bituminous product which […]
• October 25, 2022

Bitumen Emulsion K1-70
Bitumen Emulsion K1-70
Bitumen Emulsion K1-70 or Cationic Rapid Setting type bitumen emulsion is a type of hazard free liquid bitumen which consists […]
• October 25, 2022

Bitumen Emulsion CSS1
Bitumen Emulsion CSS1
Bitumen Emulsion CSS1 or Cationic Slow Setting type bitumen emulsion is a type of non hazardous liquid bitumen which consists […]
• October 22, 2022

Different Types and Grades of Bitumen Emulsion
Different Types and Grades of Bitumen Emulsion
Emulsion bitumen is a liquid bitumen that usually contains 50-75% fine droplets of bitumen which are dispersed in water by emulsifiers. It can contain additives or not.
Emulsion bitumen is classified into different grades based on the electrical charge type of fine drops of bitumen and the setting time of bitumen content.
• September 19, 2022

Bitumen Emulsion Tests
Bitumen Emulsion Tests
Bitumen emulsion tests have 4 categories which includes 20 types of bitumen tests generally. Each of these categories are as […]
• September 12, 2022