In the first week of January, crude oil and all the other markets were quiet and dull due to the Christmas Holidays. In the second week, financial markets started 2023 on Wednesday 4th January and crude oil only fell further. Bitumen stayed in the former price ranges in most areas.
In the third week of January, oil climbed despite the weakness while bitumen stayed almost steady in most of the regions.
You can watch the Weekly Infinity Crude Oil Forecast prepared by Mahnaz Golmohamadian on Infinity Galaxy YouTube Channel if you are interested in knowing more about the crude oil and HSFO market analysis during January 2023.
Below the last chart, you can click to read the weekly bitumen market reports in January 2023.
In these reports, Razieh Gilani, the export manager of Infinity Galaxy has analyzed the bitumen market weekly and has examined the factors affecting the bitumen price fluctuations during this month.
Take a look at charts and let us know your comments.
Crude Oil Price Chart, January 2023

HSFO Price Chart, January 2023

Click on the link below to watch the Infinity Galaxy crude oil Vodcasts:
Crude Oil and HSFO Report:
- First Week, January 2023
- Second Week, January 2023
- Third Week, January 2023
- Fourth Week, January 2023
Bitumen Price Chart, January 2023

Click on the link below to read the Weekly Bitumen Report of Infinity Galaxy:
Weekly Bitumen Report:
- First Week, January 2023
- Second Week, January 2023
- Third Week, January 2023
- Fourth Week, January 2023
Every Monday and Friday, you can check the Infinity Galaxy blog and YouTube channel to become aware of the bitumen market condition and news. If you have any questions or you would like to keep in touch with our experts, drop a line in the comment section.