Biden Inauguration Leading The Bitumen Market

During the last week, commodities were all influenced by the political changes in the Washington and Biden presidential inauguration, USD dropped by 3-16% and comparing to other currencies including Iran. In only 3 days USD decreased up to 16% compared to Rial; therefore, bitumen price increased by about USD 40/MT.
While oil price and market demand were up to an increasing trend, the new VB price was released by IME with an increase of 6% almost.
Since Thursday and by the formal appointment of Joe Biden as the president of the USA, the fear of insecurity and possible tensions pacified in Washington, USD got on a more stable trend in the global markets, however, the gold market is still facing the upward trend and the stock exchanges are stagnant.
By the climatic changes in the northern hemisphere and its cold weather, the refineries preferred to produce less vacuum as the fuel of powerhouses. The supply cut also led to bitumen price growth.
With respect to the high demand, constant reactions of the market to oil price and USD fluctuations, it seems that tolerance of price changes among different refineries are no longer -+5 $ / MT and sometimes it might be even -+ 20 ~ 30$ /MT.
Considering abovementioned facts, buyers are concerned about market changes. They are uncertain about the appropriate time to book new orders. Maybe, the best possible advice in the present situation is to follow up a cautious method. It is better to monitor the market for a while until it gets more stable following the new political changes of Washington.