Sodium carbonate is an inorganic intense alkaline compound with the formula Na2CO3. Sodium carbonate is also known as soda ash or Soda Crystals or washing soda.
Na2CO3 exists naturally and artificially. Ashes of trees grown in sodium-rich fields are excellent sources of Sodium carbonate. The natural method produces a limited amount; hence it is commonly produced through Synthetic processes including the Solvay process. To produce Sodium carbonate with the Solvay method, raw materials such as pure salt and limestone are necessary. All forms are white solid humidity absorbent powder.
Sodium carbonate has a varied range of applications in different industries, including cleaning and hygiene products, glass making and some cosmetics and personal care products.

What Happens in the Solvay Process?
Producing soda ash through the Solvay method requires salt and trona ore; as a result, the factories are in the regions with trona ore mines. This process generates a lower waste product; therefore, it is more economical. After mining the trona ore, it is heated in rotary calciners which leads to the production of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and ammonium chloride. Then the sodium bicarbonate is heated and the final product, Sodium carbonate, emerges.
The final produced soda ash is available in dense and light; accordingly, they are chemically identical. Albeit, they vary in density, granule size, and application.

What is Soda Ash Dense?
After getting soda ash light in the Solvay process, the dehydration continues to obtain a product with higher density. Additionally, by proceeding dehydration, the sodium carbonate crystals’ size grows larger.
Larger granules mean less dust and impurities and untroubled transportation, as the particles are heavier and scattering possibility decreases.
The extensive application of heavy sodium carbonate is in the glass manufacturing industry, where it accelerates the melting of silica (sand).
The density of heavy sodium carbonate is about 1000 Kilogram per cubic meter, and the granule size is nearly 300 to 500 micrometers. In the picture, you can see some information on Infinity Galaxy soda ash dense specifications.

What is Soda Ash Light?
Soda ash light has smaller grains than the dense. In the chemical process, soda ash light forms first, and contains 5% sodium chloride less than the dense type. The density of light sodium carbonate is about 500 Kilogram per cubic meter, and the granule size is nearly 100 micrometers. It is also suitable for the production of household chemicals and detergents and industrial use.
In the above picture, you can see some information on soda ash light specifications that Infinity Galaxy can offer.

Soda Ash Applications
Soda ash is a vital raw material in the glass industry, but glass manufacturing is not the only use. Nevertheless, you cannot neglect the vast application of soda ash dense in glassmaking. In 2018, 53% of the 60 million tons of produced Na2CO3 consumed in the glassmaking industry.
Here you can see some of the application:
– Both light and dense types are useful for the chemical industry. Various chemicals such as sodium bicarbonate, sodium Silicate, etc. need Na2CO3 in their production procedures.
– Furthermore, in paper and pulp production, it acts as a type of pH regulator. Moreover, it decolorizes waste paper.
– Cleaning products, precisely environmentally-friendly types, contain sodium carbonate due to its antiseptic and fats permeability and breakdown. You may find it in laundry detergents, dishwasher detergents, multi-purpose cleaners, glass cleaners, stain removers, and laundry conditioners.
– Sodium carbonate is a profound stain remover and bleacher; consequently, it is popular in the textile industry. It adjusts the pH of the procedure, additionally, in silk production, performs as an anti-acid.
Since the Soda Ash and Caustic Soda Application are similar to each, these 2 products have differences, if you are interested in finding out the differences, read the caustic soda page.
Curious to know the latest price of soda ash? Contact us for today soda ash price here.